
The Harbor

6th - 12 grade

The Youth Ministry, at Murrysville Alliance Church, seeks to cultivate lifelong dependence on Jesus Christ in the lives of young people through studying the transformative Word of God (Bible), embracing Christian community, and equipping them to serve/share Jesus with the world.

Our Youth Ministry is known as The Harbor. At The Harbor we are committed to Refuge, Refuel, and Relaunch. 

Refuge: We seek to invite students to a safe environment where they can freely experience life in, with, and for Jesus Christ.

Refuel: We seek to provide a space where students can be loved, encouraged, guided, and pointed to Christ through the Word of God and healthy relationships with peers and adults as they navigate through life’s various challenges.

Relaunch: All followers of Jesus Christ are called to “GO” and share the love of Christ with the world. We seek to be a strong platform that equips, empowers, and sends students to share the “Good News” of Jesus Christ with their families, friends, neighborhoods, communities, and the world.

Youth Group
Our regular weekly meetings are on Wednesdays. See the summer calendar for times and locations.

Join to stay up to date with Harbor Youth reminders, events, changes, and/or cancellations.

LIFE Conference

July 4-9, 2025 — Indianapolis, IN

A gathering of the next generation Alliance family that will experience God and expand His kingdom locally and globally.

Winter Retreat

Feb 28-Mar 2, 2025 — Seneca Hills Bible Camp

Departure: 5:00 PM, Friday, February 28                     Return: 3:00 PM, Sunday, March 2
“Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see—how good God is. Blessed are you who run to Him.” Psalm 34:8

Blessings don’t come from simply knowing about God’s goodness. True blessing belongs to those who trust Him, obey Him, and serve Him wholeheartedly. At Winter Retreat 2025, we invite students to dive into the epic stories that reveal the goodness of the God of the universe and to experience the joy of a life fully surrendered and lived sacrificially for Him.

Rev Jerry Wages

Pastor Jerry has devoted 32 years to full-time ministry and currently serves as the Children’s Pastor at MAC. Beloved by students who have grown up in the church, he is a trusted and familiar presence in the community. He and his wife, Gina—an active youth sponsor affectionately known as the “head puppy wrangler”—have raised four boys and treasure their family life.

Passionate about guiding children and teens to a lifelong love for Christ, Pastor Jerry is honored to serve at MAC. He eagerly anticipates the Winter Retreat, where he looks forward to helping students encounter God in powerful and transformative ways.

Youth Events

An annual Medical Release Form is required for every student in order to attend any event. Once completed, the form is good for one calendar year.
Medical Release Form.pdf